Buick Car Century L4 2.2L 2190cc 134cid 1996
Buick Car Century V6 3.1L 189cid VIN M 1996
Buick Car Regal V6 3.1L 189cid 1996
Buick Car Skylark V6 3.1L 189cid 1996-1998
Chevrolet Car Beretta L4 2.2L 2190cc 134cid 1996
Chevrolet Car Beretta V6 3.1L 189cid 1996
Chevrolet Car Cavalier L4 2.2L 2190cc 134cid 1996-1998
Chevrolet Car Corsica L4 2.2L 2190cc 134cid 1996
Chevrolet Car Corsica V6 3.1L 189cid 1996
Chevrolet Car Lumina V6 3.1L 189cid 1996
Chevrolet Car Monte Carlo V6 3.1L 189cid 1996
Chevrolet Truck S10 L4 2.2L 2190cc 134cid 1997-1998
Chevrolet Van Lumina APV V6 3.4L 207cid 1996
GMC Truck Sonoma L4 2.2L 2190cc 134cid 1997-1998
Isuzu Truck Hombre L4 2.2L 2180cc 1997-1998
Oldsmobile Car Achieva V6 3.1L 189cid 1996-1998
Oldsmobile Car Cutlass Ciera L4 2.2L 2190cc 134cid 1996
Oldsmobile Car Cutlass Ciera V6 3.1L 189cid 1996
Oldsmobile Car Cutlass Supreme V6 3.1L 189cid VIN M 1996-1997
Oldsmobile Van Silhouette V6 3.4L 207cid 1996
Replace OEM(s): Delco, Isuzu
Family: Delco SD205
Used On: GM 1997-98. Has Enclosed D.E. Housing.
Condition: New
Design: DD
Gear OD: 1in / 25.4mm
Gear Teeth Count : 9 Teeth
Mtg Config Code: E
Mtg Ear 1 Hole: 10.1mm Unthreaded
Mtg Ear 2 Hole: 10.1mm Unthreaded
Mtg Holes Counts : 2 Holes
Notes 1: Delco SD205 Series Starter New 90-1996 Looks Like The Older 5MT Front Housing And Solenoid Some Of Components Of SD210 / 260 Series Brushholder, Etc.. Unit Should Closely Resemble 90-6312 / 90-6415. Zinc Plated Field Case, Solenoid , C.E. Plate - Armature Has Stake-Welded Commutator - Solenoid Features Cadmium-Plated Movable Contact - OE Performance Torque & Output Curve 90-6309
Power KW: 1.6KW / 2.14HP
Rotation: CW
Starter Type: DD
Voltage: 12 Volt
Weight: 14.51 lbs / 6.6 kg