RectifierB+ TERM: M6 X 1.0 POSTDIODE AMP: 35note: Conversion Kit: Used to replace 6V Gen on Ford 2N, 8N & 9N Tractor w/ frt. mounted distributor. Kit includes: 10SI one wire alt, belt, pulley,...
RectifierLENGTH MTG HOLES: 85B+ TERM: M5 x 0.8 POSTDIODE AMP: 40note: Conversion Kit: Used to replace 6V Gen on Ford 2N, 8N & 9N Tractor w/ frt. mounted distributor. Kit includes: 10SI one wire...
Rectifiernote: Conversion Kit: Used to replace Gen on Massey Ferguson TO30 models.Kit includes: 10SI one wire alt, Mtg. brackets and Hardware, pulley, resistor, wiring harness, instructions...